Welcome to our new website!

Hicksville Chamber of Commerce welcomes your business to a prime location of Long Island. Your membership in the Hicksville Chamber means you are investing in your business, your people and the overall health of the community. 300 member businesses strong, representing over 5000 employees. We encourage you to contact us to learn more about how we can help your bisiness succeed.

Member of the Month Spotlight:
Congrats to:Millleridge Inn ,http://milleridgeinn.com/

Message From Chamber President

Dear  Friends of Hicksville Chamber,

To our Chamber members, thank you for your continued support.  For those of you considering opening a new buisness in Hicksville, you will find that becoming a Chamber member is of great value to you.

The Hicksville Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1937 by local buisness leaders in Hicksville.  Its objective was, and still is today, to improve the business environment in Hicksville and enhance the quality of life for our communitty members.  We are committed to providing effective  buisness leadership, fostering a healthy buisness climate, and promoting awareness and appreciation for the Hicksville community.

We are proud of the role we play in fostering growth and transformation in Hicksville. Our initiaties, like the annual street fair, as well as the banners and holiday wreath program, have helped bring even more joy and vibrancy to our town. The addition of colorful decorations has enhanced Hicksville's holiday tree lightning celebration, making it even more special for our residents and visitors.

Looking ahead, we are excited about the new development and changes on the horizon.  The future of Hicksville is bright, and we can't wait to see what's  to come in the next few years. 

On behalf of the Hicksville Chamber of Commerce, we encourage you to think local and shop local.  By supporting the member businesses, you are reinvesting in our community. Let’s continue to work together to make Hicksville a place where businesses succeed and grow!

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you.
Charlie Razenson 